
New Firm: Collins Cole Flynn Winn & Ulmer Steers Forward With Clients’ Integrated, Team...

The attorneys at new firm Collins Cole Flynn Winn & Ulmer are ready to confidently navigate the adventurous path ahead.

IAALS Path to Justice Summit: “Identifying Barriers to Equity in the Justice System”

The Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System hosted the first of two webinars, "Identifying Barriers to Equity in the Justice System” as part of their Paths to Justice Summit Series on Dec. 15.

Attorneys Build Trial Skills at NITA Training

NITA's trial skills program aims to teach courtroom skills that traditional law school classes don't cover.
Psilocybin mushrooms

Psychedelic Therapy Initiatives Take Step Toward 2022 Ballot

Statewide measures to ease access to psychedelic therapy, including use of magic mushrooms, could be on the ballot in 2022.

Mayor Hancock Appoints District Court Magistrate Judge David Blackett to the Denver County Court

Mayor Hancock announced the appointment of District Court Magistrate Judge David Blackett to the Denver County Court bench.
Brad Bernthal and Amie Stepanovich

Amie Stepanovich Resigns as Executive Director at CU’s Silicon Flatirons

Brad Bernthal will serve as the interim executive director of Silicon Flatirons, replacing Amie Stepanovich.
Judge writes behind a gavel

Senators Bennet and Hickenlooper Introduce Bill to Add CO District Judges

Colorado Senators Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper hope to add three new judges to the federal district to combat increasing caseloads.

CCJRC Report Shows Inequities in Colorado Victim Services

Findings from a recent CCJRC report show the state has inequities in victims services program leadership and service demographics.
Interior of the U.S Supreme Court chambers

Biden’s SCOTUS Commision Releases Findings

The report takes a middle-line stance on all the reforms but did note “bi-partisan support” for 18-year term limits.
Podium at University of Colorado Law School

Proposed Rule on Foreign-Educated Attorneys Gets Second Hearing as Justices Consider Revisions

The Colorado Supreme Court is considering a proposed rule that would make it easier for foreign-educated attorneys to practice in Colorado.