AG and Vail Corporation Settle Over Snowmaker Water Leak
Colorado and Vail Corp. reached a $275,000 settlement to resolve claims connected to the accidental release of contaminated water in 2021.
Union Sues Over State Sick Leave Law Settlement with Southwest
A union claims a settlement agreement between Southwest and Colorado around state sick leave requirements is invalid.
HOA Law: Expert Advice
According to a 2021-2022 report from the Foundation for Community Association Research, there were 358,000 community associations in the U.S. in 2021.
Former San Luis Valley DA Accused in Lawsuit of Cooking Up Criminal Charges Against...
A former DA and others are accused of pursuing false embezzlement charges against a political rival, according to a federal lawsuit.
Colorado Republican Party Sues Over Unaffiliated Votes in Primaries
The state Republican Party sued to block a law that allows independent voters to participate in major political parties’ primary elections.
Business Law Firm Dickinson Wright Opens Denver Location
Business law firm Dickinson Wright has officially opened the doors to a Denver office as it hopes to rapidly grow its footprint in Colorado.
Federal Pro Se Clinic Launches Pilot Program for Colorado Prisoners
A clinic for people representing themselves in Colorado’s federal court has plans to expand its reach to serve incarcerated litigants.
ABA to Honor Colorado Attorneys, Organizations at Annual Meeting in Denver
Law Week -
The American Bar Association announced it will honor several local attorneys and an organization at its awards luncheon Aug. 4.
Attorney, Former Judge Robbie Barr Set to Retire After Prolific Career
After a tremendous career featuring a stint as a judge and working as an attorney in the field of alternative dispute resolution, Robbie Barr is set to retire at the end of 2023.
Drilling Down on Dental Malpractice Law
Legal experts in Colorado are weighing in on the state of dental malpractice law.