
San Luis Valley

Four Decades Later

Before Colorado’s founding, a plot of land in the...
Scott Kimball

Colorado’s FBI Informant-Turned Serial Killer

The Federal Bureau of Investigation sometimes recruits former convicts...

Express Malice

First-degree murder is “the deliberate and premeditated killing of...
Charles Ginsberg

The Dramatic Tale of Charles Ginsberg

Charles Ginsberg, a prominent Denver attorney at the turn...
The Liberator

A Spark in Darkness

Netflix on Nov. 11 launched its new series “The...
magazine rack

Navigating Prejudicial Pretrial Publicity

The news media often covers sensationalized cases in-volving serial...
coffee and taxes

Death and Taxes

Prior to 1982, Colorado officials had difficulty assessing property...

People v. Masters

The Black Dahlia murder case is nationally infamous, but...

Joe Arridy’s False Conviction

Joe Arridy remains one of the few victims of the state’s justice system to have been granted a posthumous pardon.
Theodore Coneys

Denver’s Spider Man, ‘The Ghost House of Denver’

Theodore Coneys, also known as Denver's Spiderman, committed a brutal 1941 murder and then lived in his victim’s attic for the subsequent nine months.