The Implications of Social Contact Tracing
Law Week -
Just as the U.S. economy won’t immediately spring back...
Web Conference Concerns Center on Privacy, Security and Privilege
Videoconferencing technology has been rapidly implemented across industries as...
Face Value
Facial recognition technology has proliferated over the past decade,...
Silicon Flatirons Formalizes Focus on Health Data
The coronavirus pandemic has pushed health care issues to...
Telehealth and Provider Licensing at Forefront of Resource Needs for COVID-19 Response
Law Week -
As the public health crisis caused by the novel...
Infertility Coverage Bill Passes Just in Time
One of the last bills passed before coronavirus put...
Despite Essential Status, Marijuana Businesses Still Face Economic Woes
Law Week -
Marijuana businesses have been declared “essential” in some states,...
Counties Cautious With Slow Rollout of Marijuana Delivery
As of January, Colorado allows for home delivery of...