
2022 Top Women: Sherin Sakr

One of Law Week’s 2022 Top Women, Sherin Sakr shares her leadership philosophy and details her impressive legal career thus far.

2022 Top Women: Natalie Hanlon Leh

Natalie Hanlon Leh is known for her leadership, her ability to bring people together and for her impactful work.
Ruchi Kapoor

2022 Top Women: Ruchi Kapoor

Ruchi Kapoor shares her legal journey, from patents to appellate work, and passion for social justice as one of Law Week's 2022 Top Women.
Amy de La Lama

2022 Top Women: Amy de La Lama

England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Colorado — the list goes on and on for Boulder-based attorney Amy de La Lama, who has worked with companies all over the world as she strives to build a data privacy team.

Colorado’s ‘Rising Stars’ Reflect on Recent Wins and Emerging Issues

Colorado's "rising stars" discuss their biggest achievements of the past year and reflect on new challenges in their practice areas.

Top Ranked 2022 Colorado Super-Lawyers Reflect on Their Careers

Law Week caught up with some of Super Lawyers’ Top 100 lawyers for 2022 on the recognition, their careers and more.

Big Deals Q1 2022

Firms reported 38 big deals to Law Week in our Q1 2022 survey, nearly half of the deals reported for Q1 last year.

Big Deals: Crocs Acquires Hey Dude Shoes for $2.5 Billion Represented by Perkins Coie

In February, Crocs finalized its acquisition of casual footwear brand Hey Dude Shoes with legal advisors from Perkins Coie’s Denver office.

Big Deals: Oil and Gas, Mining, Energy Deals Exceed Previous Years

A few years ago, our 2022 Big Deals Q1 list would surprise many in the oil and gas industry, but transactions are gaining traction.

Salaries Up Since Pre-Pandemic but Attorneys Still Eyeing New Opportunities

For the first time in three years, we pull back the curtain on in-house pay and job satisfaction with our Corporate Counsel Salary Survey.