
Court Opinions- May 04, 2020

Coke v. People A 15-year-old victim disclosed a sexual assault...
U.S. Supreme Court

SCOTUS Kicks Off Remote Arguments

The U.S. Supreme Court kicked off a round of...

Supreme Court Issues Life Insurance Opinion

The Colorado Supreme Court on April 27 issued a...

Court Opinions- Apr 27, 2020

People v. Lujan After Abel Lujan was charged with first-degree...
Colorado Supreme Court

Colorado Sets Precedent With Jury Trial Suspension

In mid-March Chief Justice Nathan Coats suspended jury calls,...

Court Opinions- Apr 20, 2020

People v. Donald After Laron Donald was arrested, charged with...

Colorado Supreme Court Affirms the Spirit of Speedy Trial Statute

In a unanimous decision April 13, the Colorado Supreme...
U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court Lets Genie Out of the Bottle for Oral Argument Broadcasts

The U.S. Supreme Court announced April 13 the justices...

Immigrant Groups Sue for Detainees’ Release 

Several immigrant advocacy organizations announced Tuesday they are suing...

Court Opinions- Apr 13, 2020

People v. Rojas A jury found Brooke Rojas guilty of...