Court Opinion: PDJ Disbars Attorney Who Forged Coworker’s Texts
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Colorado’s Presiding Disciplinary Judge disbarred an attorney who forged texts that made it appear as if a coworker were harassing her.
Court Opinions: Appeals Court Rules CRPC 3.7(a) Applies to Bench Trials
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The Colorado Court of Appeals found that Colorado Rule of Professional Conduct 3.7(a) applies to both jury trials and bench trials.
Court Opinions: 10th Circuit Finds Magistrate Judge Improperly Granted Summary Judgment in Title VII...
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The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals found that a fired employee had raised sufficient evidence on two Title VII claims.
Court Opinions: US Supreme Court Rules Prejudicial Evidence at Trial Allows for Relief Under...
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The Supreme Court found that when evidence is introduced that is so unduly prejudicial that it renders the trial fundamentally unfair, the due process clause of the 14th Amendment provides a mechanism for relief.
Court Opinions: Colorado Supreme Court Affirms Elephants Aren’t ‘People’ Under the State’s Habeas Statute
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The state Supreme Court affirmed that Colorado’s habeas statute only applies to persons, and not to nonhuman animals, no matter how cognitively sophisticated they may be.
Court Opinion: U.S. Supreme Court Affirms Law Mandating TikTok Ban Or Sale
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The U.S. Supreme Court concluded that the law mandating a TikTok ban or sale didn’t violate the First Amendment.
Court Opinions: Appeals Court Rules on Two Separate Anti-SLAPP Cases
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The appeals court found that a defamation suit related to the 2020 election had established a reasonable likelihood to prevail on the claims.
US Supreme Court Rules Preponderance of Evidence Standard Applies for FLSA Exemptions
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The nation’s high court held in a different unanimous opinion that when a plaintiff amends a complaint to delete federal-law claims, leaving only state-law claims behind, the case must be remanded to state court.
Colorado Appellate Courts Mandate E-Filing, Change Several Rules
Colorado’s appellate courts will now require E-Filing, and the courts changed rules relating to industrial claims, dependency and neglect and more.
Court Opinion: 10th Circuit Orders Lower Court to Reconsider Case Involving Employee Self-Defense
Law Week -
The 10th Circuit vacated the district court’s summary judgment against an employee who violated a company’s shoplifting policy.