Officials From AG’s Office Lend Perspectives on Colorado’s New Cybesecurity Law
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Attendees got rare insight on cybersecurity enforcement at Ballard...
Changing the Narrative for a More Perfect Union
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For part of its Colorado Law Talks lecture series,...
Disrespect Can Lead to Discipline
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The judge who presides over Colorado’s attorney discipline cases...
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck Turns 50
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Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, known both for its lobbying...
A Topic Worth Stressing
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Lawyer assistance organizations are hoping to spark conversation about...
CU Law Hosts Annual Supreme Court Review
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Anti-discrimination laws, political gerrymandering and travel bans: The topics...
Conference Brings in Black Prosecutors From Around the Nation
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Aurora played host to the National Black Prosecutors Association...
Wheels of Justice Marks Another Year
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The Wheels of Justice cycling team celebrated another year...
Silicon Flatirons’ GELA Holds Third Yearly Pitch Night
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Increasing involvement in liquor license hearings, cutting long jail...
Jim Coyle Reflects on Years as Attorney Regulation Counsel
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After 28 years with the Office of Attorney Regulation...