Bill # | Short Title | Bill Summary |
HB24-1062 | Warrants for Metro Sewage Disposal Districts | To protect public health and the environment, a metropolitan sewage disposal district is required to ensure that wastewater generated by local businesses is properly treated pursuant to the industrial pretreatment program approved by the environmental protection agency. The bill allows authorized inspectors of a district to enter and inspect, in a reasonable time and manner, any property for the purpose of investigating any violations of the program. If an inspection is denied, the bill authorizes a district to obtain a warrant from the district court or county court upon a proper showing of the need for entry and inspection. |
HB24-1069 | Recycling of Single-Use Electronic Smoking Devices | The bill establishes the electronic smoking device recycling strategies advisory group. The advisory group is tasked with conducting an analysis of methods and strategies for the recycling of single-use electronic smoking devices. |
HB24-1173 | Electric Vehicle Charging System Permits | The bill establishes an expedited permitting process for the approval of electric motor vehicle (EV) charging systems for counties and municipalities. A board of county commissioners or the governing body of a municipality must adopt an application procedure for an applicant to apply for an EV charger permit to install an EV motor vehicle charging system. Once the application is complete, the county permitting agency or municipal permitting agency will review and approve, conditionally approve, or deny an EV charger permit. |
HB24-1178 | Local Government Authority to Regulate Pesticides | Current law prohibits a local government from creating laws that regulate the use of pesticides by pesticide applicators regulated by state or federal law. The bill allows a local government to create and enforce laws regulating the sale or use of pesticides to protect the health and safety of the community with certain exceptions. |
HB24-1330 | Air Quality Permitting | Section 1 of the bill clarifies that a request for general permit registration does not constitute having a valid construction permit. Section 1 also requires the division of administration in the department of public health and environment or the air quality control commission, in evaluating a permit application for an emitting source that includes an oil and gas system, to: Aggregate emissions from the oil and gas system; and Include emissions from exploration and preproduction activities. |
HB24-1338 | Cumulative Impacts & Environmental Justice | Section 2 of the bill creates the office of environmental justice in the department of public health and environment and section 1 requires the office to oversee a process to develop at least 2 EECIAs for specific geographic locations in the state. |
HB24-1339 | Disproportionately Impact Community Air Pollution | As of October 1, 2024, section 2 of the bill increases the membership of the commission to 11 members to include: One member who represents a disproportionately impacted community and the interests of communities of color and who does not derive income from an entity that the commission regulates; and One climate scientist employed by an organization that does not derive income from an entity that the commission regulates.Section 3 requires the commission to adopt rules, to be implemented by January 1, 2025, that: Prohibit GHG emissions from the sector from increasing in the near term and require sector-wide emissions not to exceed 97 million metric tons of total carbon dioxide equivalent cumulatively between 2025 and 2030; Prohibit a sector source from complying with GHG emissions compliance obligations by making a payment unless the payment is made in exchange for GHG credit that is surrendered as part of a GHG credit trading program; and Establish source-specific GHG emission reduction requirements that must be met through direct reductions of GHG emissions for a sector source that adversely affects a disproportionately impacted community. |
HB24-1341 | State Vehicle Idling Standard | The bill authorizes a local government to enact a resolution or ordinance concerning the idling of a covered vehicle that is at least as stringent as, but not less stringent than, the state idling standard and requires any local government with an idling standard to include certain exemptions. The bill also exempts a critical service or utility provider when performing the functions of the provider’s duties from the idling standard and declares that the idling standard is a matter of mixed local and statewide concern. |
HB24-1346 | Energy & Carbon Management Regulation | The bill expands the authority of the energy and carbon management commission to include the regulation of: activities performed for the purpose of engaging in the injection and underground sequestration of injection carbon dioxide in pore space. Facilities that use equipment to capture a significant quantity of carbon dioxide directly from the ambient air; and Activities performed for the purpose of engaging in the injection and underground sequestration of carbon dioxide in pore space. |
HB24-1352 | Appliance Requirements & Incentives | Section 1 of the bill, on and after January 1, 2027, prohibits the sale and distribution of certain air conditioners that are manufactured on or after January 1, 2027, unless the covered HVAC complies with certain technical standards. On or before January 1, 2029, and again on or before January 1, 2034, the executive director of the department of public health and environment must assess compliance with the technical standards. |
HB24-1357 | Pipeline Safety | The bill clarifies current law by requiring the commission’s mapping requirements for all pipelines within its jurisdiction to be available at a scale of 1 to 6,000 or greater. On or before December 31, 2024, the commission must adopt rules that require: An owner or operator of a transmission line, a distribution system, or a gathering line to use advanced leak detection technology in accordance with certain requirements; An owner or operator of a transmission line, a distribution system, or a gathering line or an investor-owned natural gas utility to repair grade 1 gas leaks immediately upon detection, grade 2 gas leaks no later than 60 days after detection, and grade 3 gas leaks no later than one year after detection; and That all pipeline road and railroad crossings are inspected with advanced leak detection technology on a monthly basis for damage caused from traffic. The bill also requires a section of pipeline that has not been used for 2 or more years to be removed or abandoned in place. An owner or operator may abandon a section of pipeline in place only in certain circumstances. |
HB24-1359 | Public Notification of Hazardous Chemical Releases | The bill enacts the “Community Right to Know Act” to create additional notification requirements in the event of an incident. |
HB24-1367 | Repeal Severance Tax Exemption for Stripper Wells | Section 2 of the bill repeals the stripper well severance tax exemption beginning in 2025 and removes outdated language applicable Capital letters or bold & italic numbers indicate new material to be added to existing law. only to taxable years prior to 2000. Sections 3 and 4 make conforming amendments. |
HB24-1370 | Reduce Cost of Use of Natural Gas | The bill requires the Colorado energy office to issue a request for information by December 1, 2024, to solicit interest from local governments that are served by a dual-fuel utility in becoming a gas planning priority pilot community. |
HB24-1449 | Environmental Sustainability Circular Economy | Section 1 of the bill repeals the pollution prevention advisory board and the pollution prevention advisory board assistance committee when the bill takes effect, repeals the recycling resources economic opportunity program on October 1, 2025, and repeals the front range waste diversion enterprise and replaces it with the Colorado circular communities enterprise. |
HB24-1457 | Asbestos & Lead Paint Abatement Grant Program | The bill creates the rural housing and development asbestos and lead paint abatement pilot grant program in the department of public health and environment to award grants, beginning July 1, 2025, to local governments in rural areas to offset costs associated with the abatement of asbestos and lead paint in housing, commercial buildings, and other development projects. |
SB24-150 | Processing of Municipal Solid Waste | On and after July 1, 2024, section 2 of the bill prohibits a person from operating or expanding certain units that incinerate combust municipal solid waste and specifies exemptions to the prohibition. On and after January 1, 2025, section 2 also clarifies that incineration combustion and incineration combustion units do not meet certain standards established by state law or rules. |
This special bill report is courtesy of State Bill Colorado, a product of our publisher Circuit Media.