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Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too!
Suspended Justice
The state courts have had to make a few changes to schedules on account of the pandemic. This month’s Hearsay podcast focuses on how changes to dockets now might cause a big backlog when the courts resume.
Law Firms Focus on Social Distancing, Not Social Isolation
Law Week’s 1st Quarter Managing Partner Roundtable focuses on how Denver law firms are coping with stay-at-home orders and what the current remote work policies might mean for the legal profession’s future.
Denver Man Sues Over Stay-At-Home Orders
A Denver man is suing the city and state over stay-at-home orders that shut down his place of work. He said the orders constitute a “taking” that require compensation.
10th Circuit Claims Against Prosecutor and Law Enforcement Proceed
The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals allowed two claims against a Denver prosecutor and sheriff’s deputy to go forward stemming accusations that they abused the criminal process in a 10-year-old case.
State Offers Free Child Care for Some
The state is offering free child care to workers who are exempt from Colorado’s stay-at-home orders.
DOJ Looking Into Senator’s Stock Sell-Off
The Justice Department is looking into Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr‘s stock sell-off ahead of the coronavirus market crash.
BigLaw Firm Furloughs Associates
BigLaw firm Pryor Cashman has furloughed associates amid the economic downturn. The associates haven’t been told a specific date or timeframe that they might be hired back.
Zoom’s Legal Troubles
There might be trouble ahead for Zoom, America’s current favorite videoconferencing app. The New York attorney general is looking into privacy problems with Zoom, and the company is being sued for allegedly sharing users’ data with Facebook.
New York Bumps Back Bar Exam
The New York Court of Appeals announced yesterday that the bar exam has been moved to September.
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