Colorado’s Open Records Act provides access to most public documents — except when it comes to the judicial branch. In the new episode of our Hearsay podcast, an open government advocate talked about the courts’ exemption and what that means for the public.
Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too!
Bernie Wins Colorado’s Primary
Bernie Sanders won Colorado’s Democratic presidential primary, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll win over all of the state’s 67 delegates. (Denver Post)
Residents Don’t Own Their Views
Attorneys working in construction or real estate likely already know this: Denver protects the beautiful mountain views of public places, but private residents are out of luck if a new, taller, development obstructs their view.
Faithless Electors Before the Supreme Court
An attorney for Michael Baca, a former Colorado member of the Electoral College, told the U.S. Supreme Court this week that the state of Colorado violated Baca’s right to vote for the presidential candidate of his choice in, calling it an act without precedent in American history. (Denver Post)
TABOR Repeal Efforts Shift to Tax Initiative
There will not be another effort to repeal TABOR this year, but, instead, there will be a ballot measure asking to generate money through taxes on the wealthy.
State and City Leaders Prepare for Coronavirus
Coronavirus was top of mind for state and city officials yesterday. Gov. Jared Polis and Denver Mayor Michael Hancock both made announcements regarding their preparations.
SCOTUS Hears Abortion Case
The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments today in the first major abortion rights case since the retirement of Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Super Tuesday Results Shake Up Democratic Race
Joe Biden performed well in yesterday’s Super Tuesday primary voting. And Michael Bloomberg dropped out of the race this morning to endorse him.
Trump Makes EEOC Nominations
President Donald Trump will nominate a Gibson Dunn & Crutcher associate and a former U.S. Department of Justice civil rights lawyer for spots on the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Indiana AG Could Face Suspension
The Indiana attorney general is no longer facing a sexual misconduct lawsuit, but he could still face suspension.
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