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Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too!
Lawmakers to Discuss Extending Recess
Lawmakers are struggling with the question of whether they can extend their recess until mid-April. They will meet briefly this morning and then adjourn for several more days before deciding the answer to that question.
Coronavirus Reaches Southern Ute Indian Tribe
Two staff members of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe have tested positive for coronavirus. They are in quarantine and other members of the tribe are being tested.
Domestic Violence Rises During Stay-At-Home Orders
The virus isn’t the only public health risk right now. The Rose Andom Center said it anticipates domestic violence numbers to rise during the stay-at-home orders.
Trump Approves Disaster Declaration
Colorado will received additional federal assistance after President Donald Trump approved a disaster declaration for the state.
Contracts During Coronavirus
Retailers and restaurateurs are struggling with the coronavirus crisis, and for many of them, their future lies with their lender. Some are offering leniency on mortgages while others insist “a contract is a contract.”
Dreamers Write to Supreme Court Regarding DACA Program
Dreamers sent a letter to the U.S. Supreme Court asking it to consider their efforts to fight the coronavirus as it answers the question of whether to phase out the DACA program.
Summer Associates Have Uncertain Future
Nobody seems to know what this summer will look like, and that includes law firms and their would-be summer associates.
More Law Student Impacts
The New York Bar Exam has been rescheduled for the fall.
A recently compiled report shows what goes into Supreme Court justices’ public speaking events. Overall, the report praises the justices for their accessibility.
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