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Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too!
Denver DA Indicts Two for Human Trafficking Ring
Denver DA Beth McCann filed financial charges against two people for allegedly running a “well organized human trafficking ring.” The DA said that using the financial crime charges spares the victims from having to testify.
Wolves At the Capitol
State lawmakers are considering a bill regarding the reintroduction of wolves to Colorado before voters get a chance to vote on a ballot measure on the same subject. (Denver Post)
Where Colorado Senators Fall on Witnesses at Impeachment Trial
After John Bolton shook up the impeachment trial, Sen. Michael Bennet says he wants to hear more evidence, but Sen. Cory Gardner hasn’t indicated that he has made up his mind about whether to hear from witnesses.
State Considers Changing Statute of Limitations Laws
The state legislature is considering giving child sexual abuse victims unlimited time to bring cases against their abusers, but that might not help those who were already victimized.
Metro Denver Conducts Homeless Count
Metro Denver is conducting its one-day homeless count right now with some lessons learned from a Jefferson County count.
Trump Defense Team to Give Final Opening Arguments
The final day of opening arguments in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial is expected to be a short one as the president’s defense team prepares for just two to three hours of arguments.
6th Circuit to Review ADA Case
The 6th Circuit will hear oral arguments in a case that questions the broader definition of disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
West Virginia Lawyer Arrested in Nicaragua
A West Virginia lawyer has been arrested after spending three years on the run after he was accused of billing the state for indigent defense work that he didn’t perform and even billing the state for more than 24 hours of work per day.
NCRA Pushes Back Against Digital Court Reporting
The National Court Reporter’s Association is pushing back against the use of digital reporting tools, saying there are no guarantees of quality, accuracy or security when outsourcing transcription. (Law.com)
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