Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too! And you can find our online posts on Google News.
It’s in the Mail
State ballots will be sent out at the end of this week. Here’s the roundup of the statewide issues will land in your mailbox.
Adams County Judge Said She’s Being Ousted
One Adams County judge didn’t receive a recommendation for retention. She said she’s been the target of a campaign of racial and professional bias by peers and the judicial performance commission. (Denver Post)
Businesses Hit With ADA Lawsuits
Some small businesses in Denver say they have been targeted by an out-of-state law firm over Americans with Disabilities Act violations on their websites.
Montana Wants BLM Plans Invalidated
The governor of Montana is asking a court to block three land use plans from the Bureau of Land Management, saying they were invalidated when the acting director was removed for being in the post unlawfully.
Civil Service Commission Upholds Police Firing
Members of Aurora’s Civil Service Commission unanimously agreed to uphold the firing of a police officer who hobbled a woman and left her face-down in the back of his cruiser.
Vice Presidential Debate Preview
Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris will face off tonight in the vice presidential debate.
McCloskys Indicted
The St. Louis couple charged in July with brandishing weapons at protesters who marched through their gated community, have been indicted by a grand jury.
Stimulus Headed Behind Bars
A judge said the IRS has to send coronavirus relief stimulus checks to incarcerated people — at least 80,000 eligible recipients.
Judge Retires Amid Allegations
A Washington, D.C., judge retired just three days after the Washington Post inquired about a woman’s allegations that he had sexual contact with her when she was 16 years old.
Lawmakers Fight Over Transgender Athletes
Conservative state legislators around the country are challenging the right of transgender athletes to participate in girls’ and women’s sports. Those challenges are likely to spread to more states as legislatures get back to work in the coming months.
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