As part of Law Week’s commitment to sustainability and the environment, and to provide information to our readers regardless where they work these days, Law Week Colorado is exploring new digital offerings. Please help us out by sharing your thoughts in our 2021 Readership survey. And to sweeten the deal, all respondents will be entered to win a set of S’well coffee mugs.
10th Circuit to Rule on Bump Stocks
The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in late January held its first every remote en banc arguments as it heard a case questioning whether the ATF was in the right in making a rule that made bump stocks illegal.
Attorney Pleads Guilty to Felony
A Mesa County attorney has recently pleaded guilty to first-degree introduction of contraband in a Montrose court, a class 4 felony. His deferred sentence will include 14 days of jail time, community service and a fine.
STAR Program’s Early Results
Earl reports are good for a program that sends mental health workers to intervene in place of police in certain incidents. Since June, the program has responded to 748 incidents, without requiring police, arrests or jail time.
Congress Launches Investigation of Meat Packing Plants
The U.S. House is investigating multiple major meatpacking companies, including one operating in Greeley, over the spread of coronavirus within their plants and OSHA’s response to the situation. It’s unclear what consequences or rectification might come as a result, though.
Restitution on the Justice Reform Docket
Colorado criminals typically pay far less in restitution than they are ordered to — about 16% since 2016. The legislature is expected to look at how Colorado handles restitution and discuss reforms to the system. (Denver Post)
Impeachment Managers Outline Arguments
House impeachment managers have submitted a brief for the upcoming trial. They will argue that Former President Donald Trump summoned a mob to Washington, D.C., rather than accepting the outcome of the election and that the Constitution allows for taking action against a private citizen for conduct during their term.
MoFo Cuts Back
Morrison & Foerster is cutting staff positions in the U.S. and is cutting staff jobs in the UK, in response to the pandemic.
Boies Schiller Rejects Merger Suggestion
BigLaw firms Boies Schiller Flexner and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan are shutting down rumors that the two litigation powerhouses might merge, after a recruiter hired by Boies Schiller recommended the move.
Google Settles Pay Discrimination Allegations
Google will pay roughly $2.6 million to settle U.S. Labor Department sexual and racial discrimination allegations.
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