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Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too!
Environmental Hearing Upsets Activists
The Trump administration is holding a hearing in Denver regarding proposed changes to an environmental law, but activists are saying the hearing is too short — as a result, tickets to speak at the hearing disappeared within minutes of being made available.
Republicans Push LGBT-Focused Bills
Despite the Democrat-controlled legislature, Republicans are pushing several bills that would roll back LGBTQ protections in Colorado. The legislation is part of a national effort to make it clear what the party’s priorities are. (Denver Post)
Bill Would Limit Government’s Information-Sharing Practices
A bill to be introduced in the state legislature would limit the personal information state departments can share with other government agencies, like U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S Customs and Border Protection.
AG Talks About Marijuana Plans
Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser talked about marijuana expungement, social equity in handing out business licenses for marijuana-focused companies and the federal agenda on marijuana.
Boulder Wants Regional Minimum Wage Hike
Boulder recently raised its minimum wage, but city leaders said at a City Council meeting this week that they want to see a regional raise as well. (Daily Camera)
Judge Postpones Michael Flynn’s Sentencing
A judge has indefinitely postponed former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s sentencing on a charge of lying to the FBI as Flynn presses to withdraw the guilty plea he entered more than two years ago in a case prosecuted by special counsel Robert Mueller.
Boies Schiller Sees Big Changes
Boies Schiller is rethinking some of its business practices, like partner pay and other compensation systems, and attorneys are leaving. (Law.com)
Ginsburg Discusses Political Divide
Without directly acknowledging the impeachment trial, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg pointed to the U.S. Senate as a symbol of partisan division in modern times.
Mostly Democratic States Left for Judicial Appointments
President Donald Trump’s judicial nominations might be slowing down over 2020 as he runs out of red states where he can fill vacancies.
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