Legal Lasso is Law Week’s morning roundup of legal headlines across the state. Each morning, we take stock of legal issues and happenings, so be sure to sign up to stay up-to-date, and be sure to subscribe to Law Week Colorado!
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After a complicated year of family law changeups, the practice is battling new issues related to the pandemic, and new complications even reach to how divorced couples handle COVID-19 vaccinations for their children. Law Week checked into these new facets of family law with our continual coverage for courts, business and more. Check out our current edition here!
Vaccines Pose Challenges to Judges, Attorneys and Parents
COVID vaccines for children under 12 has provided another source of conflict for parents and those in the law. As drugmakers eye approval of vaccines for younger age groups, family law attorneys expect to see a surge in disputes involving parent disagreements over children getting their shots. Parent spats over vaccines predate the pandemic, and the public’s trust in vaccines had eroded over the decades. Law Week’s own Jessica Folker digs in deep to what vaccine-disputes might mean for all parties involved.
Colorado Supreme Court Rules on Vacation Pay
In a unanimous decision, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled last week that employment agreements can’t force employees to forfeit unused vacation pay when leaving their job. Digging into the depths of the ruling, Reporter Jessica Folker examines what impact this decision will have on employers, employees and vacations.
‘Coroner’ Comes for Colorado Water Rights July 1
The clock’s counting down the final days for thousands of Colorado water rights, ranging from wells to ranches and municipalities. On July 1, the year-long objection period for a right’s listing on the Decennial Water Rights Abandonment List will close — like a lid being placed on a coffin — for thousands of water rights. To learn more about abandonment impact, check out this 2020 article by Law Week’s Reporter Avery Martinez.
Colorado Court Fines Baker for Refusing ‘Gender Transition Cake’
Masterpiece Cakeshop’s Jack Phillips, who made headlines years ago over his Supreme Court case over civil rights, religion and same sex marriage, is back in court for refusing to make a cake celebrating a birthday and gender transition. A Denver court placed a $500 fine on Phillips for refusing to make the cake. (Reason)
SCOTUS Rules Against NCAA Restrictions on Student Athlete Compensation
Today, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously sided with a group of former athletes in a dispute with the NCAA over rules limiting certain compensation. The high court found that the NCAA limits on the education-related benefits that colleges can offer athletes playing Division I basketball and football cannot be enforced. Under the current NCAA rules students can’t be paid and scholarship money colleges can offer is capped at the cost of school attendance, but the Associated Press reports this ruling could help push changes in college athletics. (AP News)
New Investigations to Examine DOJ Wrongdoing Under Trump
New inquiries are being setup to investigate wrongdoing committed in the Department of Justice during the Trump administration. Allegedly, former-President Donald Trump prodded DOJ attorney generals to go after adversaries and protect his interests. The Guardian looks into what former DOJ members and politicians have to say about the Trump DOJ. (The Guardian)
Greece Approves Controversial Labor Bill
Sparking controversy and labor union protests, the Parliament of Greece approved a new labor reform bill looking to allow employees to opt for longer work days for more time off. Provisions of the bill provide a two week paid leave for new fathers, transparency measures between unions and online workers the right to disconnect at the end of the day. However, far-right and far-left groups are opposed to the elimination of the right to strike and a “final blow” to the eight hour work day. (Jurist)
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