Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too! And you can find our online posts on Google News.
Catholic Dioceses Settle Abuse Claims
Colorado’s three Catholic dioceses have paid out settlements totaling $6.6 million to 73 survivors after a state probe found more than 160 children were victimized in the state in a 70 year span.
Novel Criminal Charges for Snowboarder
The snowboarder accused of trigging an avalanche that destroyed some CDOT equipment is facing criminal charges. He might be the first to face such charges for an out-of-bounds avalanche.
Shooting Pokes Holes in Security Regulations
The shooting of a protester revealed Colorado’s patchwork of regulations and requirements governing how security guards operate in Colorado. (Denver Post)
Polis Supports Gallagher Repeal
Gov. Jared Polis over the weekend gave his support for a Gallagher Amendment repeal, saying the vote will determine how the state emerges from the coronavirus pandemic.
Broomfield Hiring City Attorney
Broomfield has narrowed down its field of candidates for a city and county attorney position to three picks, and they come from within the office, in-house counsel and private practice.
SCOTUS to Take up Immigration Issues
The U.S. Supreme Court said this morning it would take up two major cases — one deciding the dispute over the Trump administration’s use of funds for the border wall and another regarding the “remain in Mexico” policy.
Pelosi Starts Clock on Coronavirus Legislation
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has given the White House 48 hours to resolve disputes on coronavirus stimulus legislation as lawmakers attempt to pass a bill before the 2020 election.
Unusual Conviction Earns Parole
A Louisiana man serving a life sentence for stealing a pair of hedge clippers in 1997 was paroled on Thursday, after spending more than two decades in prison for his crime.
Judge Removed for Bad Behavior
A family court judge in New York has been removed from the bench for “a pattern of injudicious behavior” that sexist and belittling comments to court employees as well as failing to disclose income earned outside the court.
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