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Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too!
Aurora City Council Asks for Better Response in Justice System
The Aurora City Council last night passed a resolution that urges detention centers and courts in the city to be more transparent and proactive in their response to COVID-19.
Pandemic Sparks More End-of-Life Conversations
At least one estate planning attorney has noted an uptick in conversations about end-of-life planning in the age of coronavirus.
Denver DA Issues Gun Warning
There has been a rise in gun sales during the pandemic. Denver District Attorney Beth McCann had some words of caution for all those new purchases.
Public Defenders Still Seeking Inmate Release
The Colorado Supreme Court denied a petition to have more inmates released from jail, but the petitioner — the State Public Defender’s Office — will continue to petition each of the state’s judicial districts.
Coronavirus Might Have Peaked, But Maybe Not
A national model says the coronavirus has already peaked in Colorado, but state public health experts disagree and say the worst is still to come. (Denver Post)
Barr Encourages Prosecutors to Consider Coronavirus in Bail Decisions
U.S. Attorney General Bill Bar urged prosecutors to give more consideration to coronavirus risks in their bail decisions.
Wisconsin Supreme Court Says to Move Forward With In-Person Voting
The Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned an executive order from the state’s governor to delay in-person voting. The state is moving forward with its election on Tuesday.
NCBE is Offering More Bar Exam Dates
The National Conference of Bar Examiners is going forward with the bar exam, with options in July September.
Legal Industry Reports Job Losses
The coronavirus has hit the legal industry hard, with the industry losing 1,700 jobs in March.
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