5Q is your way to get more acquainted with the local legal community. Submissions come from lawyers, paralegals, judges and law professors alike. In 5Q, you’ll discover insights on the profession while learning more about the people behind the practice. Responses are edited for clarity and length.
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This week, we heard from Mike Wagner, partner and patent lawyer at Lewis Roca. His “experience ranges across all areas of intellectual property, with an emphasis on patent prosecution, post-grant proceedings, licensing, opinions, litigation and due diligence.” Read more about Wagner’s practice and experience in his online biography.
Question 1
What is your favorite clause of the Constitution and why?
A: As a patent attorney, I think my answer has to be Article I, Section 8, Clause 8, which is the patent and copyright clause. Before this career path, I likely would have never known that patent rights are covered by the constitution.
Question 2
What’s your favorite weekend activity?
A: Hiking with my family.
Question 3
Which rule of evidence do you hate the most and why?
A: Hearsay. Somebody told me that was the worst rule.
Question 4
If you could choose to master a musical instrument that you don’t already know how to play, which one would it be and why?
A: Guitar. I love music and own a guitar, but I am a terrible guitarist.
Question 5
What is your favorite restaurant and what’s your favorite thing to order there?
A: This answer seems to change every week, but Rioja has been one of my favorites for a long time. The Fresh Bacon is one of the best dishes in town.