5Q is your way to get more acquainted with the local legal community. Submissions come from lawyers, paralegals, judges and law professors alike. In 5Q, you’ll discover insights on the profession while learning more about the people behind the practice. Responses are edited for clarity and length.
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This week, we heard from Katie Brown, an associate and labor and employment attorney at Davis Graham & Stubbs. She “litigates cases involving state and federal non-discrimination laws, wage and hour rules, trade secrets, commercial torts, and contractual non-competition and other restrictive covenants.” Read more about her practice and experience in her online biography.
Question 1
If you could choose to master a musical instrument that you don’t already know how to play, which one would it be and why?
A: The harmonica! I would love to be able to play the harmonica solo in Mary Jane’s Last Dance on cue at parties.
Question 2
What is your favorite clause of the Constitution and why?
A: I’m a big fan of the 19th Amendment.
Question 3
What is your favorite restaurant and what’s your favorite thing to order there?
A: The lamb ragu hummus at Safta is hard to beat.
Question 4
What’s your favorite book and why?
A: The best book I’ve read lately is “On All Fronts: The Education of a Journalist.” The author, Clarissa Ward, is an incredible storyteller and a truly impressive human. It’s also really illuminating to read about global conflict and foreign policy decisions from the perspective of a war correspondent.
Question 5
What’s your favorite movie or TV show?
A: My favorite movie of all time is the Princess Bride. I recently secured tickets to see Cary Elwes (who played Westley) live in Denver to tell behind-the-scenes stories after a screening of the movie, and I am giddy about it!