5Q is Law Week Colorado’s weekly gateway for members of the legal community to get acquainted with each other. Each week, you’ll hear from lawyers, judges, and legal academics across Colorado. We ask industry professionals a range of questions that may range from their thoughts on the challenges facing the profession to their personal interests. Their responses are lightly edited for clarity and space. Let us know if you’d like to be included by emailing [email protected].
This week we spoke with Erin Simmons, a Davis Graham & Stubbs partner who specializes in commercial lending transactions for banks and a variety of other businesses. Simmons is a former Winston & Strawn associate who earned her law degree at Fordham University.
Question 1
What’s your favorite obscure and oft-forgotten clause of the Constitution?
A: I don’t have one.
Question 2
Should non-lawyers be allowed to own an equity stake in law firms?
A: Perhaps, in certain limited instances.
Question 3
You make a friendly bet on a sports event and, after you lose the bet, must keep a commitment to choose one of these Major League Baseball teams to support, unconditionally and regardless of the team’s record of success, quality of play or variety of players. Which one do you choose? Be sure to make a comment or two about why you chose that one.
Baltimore Orioles, Cleveland Indians, Tampa Bay Rays, Cincinnati Reds, Milwaukee Brewers, Pittsburgh Pirates
A: Tampa Bay Rays, since I grew up in Lakeland, Florida, outside of Tampa.
Question 4
Do you like to read others’ handwriting more when it is in cursive or in block letters (printing)?
A: What is handwriting?
Question 5
Should mint be banned as a nasty substance or celebrated as the greatest confection flavor ever? Discuss.
A: Mint is wonderful. However, I learned the hard way that it needs to be planted in a container. It now covers part of my backyard that it was never intended to cover. I’m always ready to make a mojito.