You might have noticed already that Law Week Colorado is exploring new digital offerings. Please help us out by sharing your thoughts in our 2021 Readership survey. And to sweeten the deal, all respondents will be entered to win a set of S’well coffee mugs.
City Council Approves Eviction Assistance
The Denver City Council committee gave initial approval for a three-year contract between the city’s Department of Housing Stability and Colorado Legal Services to provide eviction legal assistance to eligible low-income households.
Can Cannabis Move Past Cash?
Cannabis businesses are hopeful that the change in presidential administration will allow for changes in 2021 to banking regulations, which would allow the industry to stop operating as cash-only. (Denver Post)
Future Office Plans
Wondering about the work-from home future? The CEO of at least one big company operating in Denver believes downtown — and its office buildings — will fill up with workers again once it’s safe to do so.
Boulder Builds Out Police Review Board
Boulder has filled out its new police oversight panel to review investigations of complaints against officers and make
disciplinary recommendations. (Daily Camera)
Rep. Boebert’s Early Competition
Rep. Lauren Boebert who has already stirred up controversy in the few weeks she’s been in office has dawn challengers for her 2022 reelection campaign.
Drugmaker Settles Opioid Lawsuit
McKinsey & Company has agreed to a $573 million settlement with nearly 50 state governments as well as the District of Columbia and territories over its role in the opioid epidemic.
DOJ Drops Yale Discrimination Suit
The U.S. Department of Justice has dropped an affirmative action lawsuit against Yale University, which accused the school of discriminating against Asian American and White applicants in its admissions.
Law Firms Report Growth
After layoffs and staff cutbacks, law firms reported a 9.9% growth in net income last year.
Test-Takers Can Choose a Bar Exam in July
The National Conference of Bar Examiners reported that test-takers will have a choice between in-person or remote testing for the July exam. (Law.com)
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