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Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too!
Hearing for Gallagher Amendment Initiative
Parties met this morning in the case regarding a rewrite of voter’s guide language for the ballot initiative that could repeal the Gallagher Amendment. (Denver Post)
Gilbert Laws Reach Court of Appeals Decision
The Colorado Court of Appeals weighed in to resolve a case between two law firms fighting over the name Gilbert Law.
States Ask to Undo Postal Service Cuts
A group of states, including Colorado, are suing over Postal Service cuts and asking a judge to require them to be rolled back immediately.
CSU Said to Have Mishandled Sexual Assaults
A former Colorado State University student, who worked as a server during football games, is suing the university, alleging it failed to take action when she said she was sexually assaulted by boosters.
Aurora Votes on Police Restrictions
The Aurora City Council voted down two proposals and approved a third regarding what chemicals and tools police can use. It voted down restrictions to the use of some military equipment as well as tear gas, and approved another that requires more oversight in future military equipment acquisitions.
Ropes & Gray Offers Gap Year, With Pay
Ropes & Gray is offering associates a stipend to take a year off. The firm says the program isn’t motivated by financial stress.
Judges Block Trump’s Census Changes
A three-judge panel in New York blocked the Trump administration’s efforts to keep undocumented immigrants out of the census count.
BigLaw Associate Could be Made a Federal Judge
The Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this week heard testimony from a Jones Day associate who could be given a seat on the federal bench. The ABA says she’s not ready for the job.
Attorney Killed in Murder-Suicide
Robert Fenstersheib, a South Florida attorney, was shot and killed by his son earlier this week in an apparent murder suicide. Fenstersheib’s girlfriend was also shot, though she is now in stable condition.
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