Law Week Colorado is continuing to operate on its regular schedule through while practicing social distancing. We know many of you are working from home and helping stop the spread of the coronavirus as well. During this time, we’ll be publishing more full articles from our print edition on our website.
We will continue to refine our process and look for the best ways to share Colorado’s legal news. Want to weigh in on what you’d like to see? Please send us a message.
Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too!
Colorado Courts Have Uneven Response to Coronavirus
The Colorado Supreme Court gave guidance last week regarding courts’ response to coronavirus, but left the decision of how to operate to the individual courts. The difference in policy changes is causing some confusion throughout the criminal justice system. (Denver Post)
Preparing for the Long Haul
Gov. Jared Polis ordered employers to reduce the in-person workforce by 50% and said social distancing measures will need to work for weeks or months.
Holding Off on ‘Shelter in Place’
Despite the push to work-from-home policies, Polis is holding off on enacting more strict measures seen in other states in hopes of keeping Colorado’s economy going.
Weiser Calls for a Stop to Evictions
Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser on Sunday called for a statewide pause on eviction proceedings during the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
Jason Dunn to Lead Coronavirus Fraud Investigations
At the direction of U.S. Attorney General William Barr, Colorado’s U.S. Attorney, Jason Dunn, will lead the federal investigation and prosecution of any fraud related to the COVID-19 crisis. (Denver Post)
How Will the Supreme Court Cope With Coronavirus?
The U.S. Supreme Court indefinitely postponed its March oral arguments and will need to adjust its argument schedule for April as well. What are the chances of the court delivering opinions without arguments?
Florida Attorney Sues Governor
A Florida attorney is suing the state’s governor for not closing its beaches earlier.
Prosecutors Resign Amid Misconduct Investigation
Three Utah prosecutors recently resigned amid an internal investigation into free Utah Jazz tickets they received from a defense lawyer who had appeared opposite them.
Prisons and Jails Change Policies
Prisons and jails across the country are trying out different ways of limiting the coronavirus spread within its populations such as waiving copays charged to inmates for medical visits, waiving fees for personal hygiene supplies or changing visitation policies.
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