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Legal Lasso is Law Week Colorado’s daily roundup of legal news from around the state. Not already subscribed to the daily email? Sign up here! Not subscribed to Law Week Colorado? You can change that too!
38 Arrested for Protesting During State of the State
Thirty-eight people were arrested for disrupting the State of the State speech yesterday. Protestors chanted “back fracking now!” before the speech, delaying the start time by about 15 minutes.
DU Settles Pay Discrimination Lawsuit
The University of Denver settled another pay discrimination lawsuit with a law professor who claimed she was underpaid compared to male and non-minority faculty colleagues. (Law.com)
Hotel Seeks to Oust 7-Eleven
A downtown hotel is suing for control of its building, hoping to drive 7-Eleven out and a lawyer for the hotel said he expects a judge to side with them.
Snowmass HOA Violates Disabilities Law
A homeowners association in Snowmass Village was ordered to pay a resident $50,000 for banning her service dog (Denver Post).
Robert Dear Again Deemed Incompetent
Robert Dear, who is accused of killing three people at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado in 2015, was again deemed incompetent to stand trial in state court. Federal prosecutors are also currently seeking a separate mental health evaluation.
BigLaw Firms Announce Merger
Troutman Sanders and Pepper Hamilton have voted to merge, creating a 23 office, 1,100 attorney Am Law 50 firm. The new combined firm will be called Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders.
2020 M&A Predictions
And more news in the transactional world, 2020 is expected to be a good year for M&A, but political uncertainty could make some clients gun shy.
Appeals Court Says Trump Can Build a Wall
The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals said President Donald Trump may use military construction funds to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
SCOTUS Has First 2020 Conference
The U.S. Supreme Court today has its first conference of the year, where justices will consider taking up a state assault weapons ban, grand jury secrecy, health care, religious job discrimination and immigrant sanctuary laws. (Law.com)
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